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The goal for the Children’s Ministry at Wallace is to equip and prayerfully support each child so that they might realize Christ’s perfect plan for their life.  During Sunday School, we teach them to take an active part in sharing their faith with others, as we follow the instructions of our Lord to His disciples, to “go to all nations and make disciples.”


A small package arrived on the doorstep of one of our congregants.  It contained a shawl, stitched with prayers for her cancer recovery. This spiritually comforting gift became the “seed” that grew into this amazing ministry at Wallace Memorial United Methodist Church. Started in January 2011, with two dozen eager learners, it has created over 700 prayer shawls and over doubled in passionate stitchers! Shawls, hand delivered or mailed, have comforted and celebrated with people in our church, our community, and even across the country. You can be a part of this amazing outreach ministry.  Don’t know how to knit or crochet?  NO problem! We will teach you. Everything you need ----- yarn, hooks, needles, patterns, instructions will be provided.
Contact information:  Text or call Pam Cutshaw (757-871-8364) or Beth Weidlein (757-880-0732)